Progelta manufacture a wide range of Inoculant feeders in order to run your process safely and efficiently.
Our process experience and knowledge combines with the latest control and automation to get a fully automated control system for the best process automation.
P7-Manager is a PC Application program that permits to monitor and set all parameters about your inoculant feeder.
P7-Manager works with an integrate SQL database and permits to record all the data about your equipment in order to set a “process traceability“ of your production.
The in-built WEB-REPORT function give you the possibility to extract all needed data from the database by using a common web browser, by using the most commons filtering rules.
P7-Manager is available for all range of Progelta feeders.
Main Fetaures:
Production monitoring
Production monitoring
Alarms history
Parameter settings
Recording of production history
Reporting of production history
ERP-MRP interface capability
Two screws conveyor and combined with a weighing scale dispense the inoculant with high precision controlling the dosing amount and performing an auto correction in case of deviation.
Technical Characteristics:
Stainless steel construction for long life duration
Integrated Weighing scale
Auto calibration function
Auto flow/rate correction
Grain size accepted: 0,1-0,7 mm
Capacity range 0,1-30 g/s **
Injection pressure adjusting by remote
Clogged pipe checking
Ethernet interface with peripheral systems
integrated air cooling system
Storage hopper capacity: 30 litres
Power supply: 230Vac - 0,5kW
Air supply: 4-6 Bar
** Contact Progelta for different capacity needs
P7 Manager - Supervisor
Besides the enormous advantages that the instream inoculation gives to the foundry process, the necessity to verify the correct application is a fact. There are many factors can effect negatively the good inoculation, for example the powder flow can be deviate from its orienting by some iron splash sticked on the outlet of the inject pipe or simply the non correct orienting of the pipe in the iron stream.
The VISINOC equipment is a modern and technological advanced device that check and evaluate the effective presence of inoculant powder in the pouring stream. The working principle is based on a digital camera and an evaluation software that check the presence of inoculant grains on the stream evaluating its consistency
This device will permits you to have full guaranty that your pouring stream has been correctness inoculated. As the Visinoc system is basically a software PC based application working with a SQL database, it’s possible to trace the production by recording each pouring data within a series of pictures certificating the good inoculation of each pouring.
The VISINOC It’s a independent device that can be applied to Progelta feeder series as well as to any other brand feeders that the customers are already running.